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NAICS Code 11199

Description: This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) growing crops (except oilseeds and/or grains; vegetables and/or melons; fruits and/or tree nuts; greenhouse, nursery, and/or floriculture products; tobacco; cotton; sugarcane; or hay) or (2) growing a combination of crops (except a combination of oilseed(s) and grain(s); and a combination of fruit(s) and tree nut(s)) with no one crop or family of crops accounting for one-half of the establishment's agricultural production (i.e., value of crops for market). Illustrative Examples: Agave farming Spice farming General combination crop farming (except oilseed and grain; vegetables and melons; fruit and nut combinations) Tea farming Hay seed farming Maple sap gathering Peanut farming Sugar beet farming Grass seed farming Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

Created on: 2022

More Info: census.gov